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mark mathew braunstein

BIO & Bibliographea & Miscellanea & Contact

nude in nature

Portfolios of photos mostly around my home in the Connecticut College Arboretum.


The DEER portfolio shows my deer neighbors in their natural setting.


The NUDES in NATURE portfolio shows my dear human neighbors in their natural setting and in their natural state, which is nude. (Actually the deer, too, are nude.) Lechers, be advised, no frontal nudity here!


And the several series of SEASONS in SEQUENCE instruct us of the ephemerality of all existence.

mark mathew braunstein

More about me than you

will ever want to know.

say Hi

If you dare.

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BIBLIOgraphia (& Miscellanea)




PHOTOSHOP instruction.


Thank you for your interest in my creative endeavors.

vegan fist


Vegan & Vegetarian

Restaurant Guide to

Eastern CT

peaceable kingdom

© Mark Mathew BRAUNSTEIN (2025), sole content creator, web designer, photographer, and photoshopper.

No paper was trashed nor trees felled nor truths stretched to create this website.

Cookies are all vegan, all whole grain, and sugar-free.

Color space tagged Adobe RGB for Safari, so on any other browser tagged for

sRGB, you will not be viewing my true colors.

Don't you dare follow me on Twitter/X or DeFacebook, else I will have you arrested for stalking.

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